Essentials, our main program, based on the competencies of the Common Framework of Reference for Languages, is divided into three age groups: 13 TO 17 YEARS OLD.
Essentials, our main program, based on the competences of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is divided into three groups by age: 8 TO 12 YEARS OLD.
Improve the use of your English with lessons and vocabulary for tourist environments, hotel companies, inns, tourism students, tourist guides, among others.
We prepare you for standardized tests such as TOEFL and IELTS, as well as the Critical Reading and Writing sections of the SAT. OVER 16 YEARS OLD, TEENS / PRO LEVEL 8 AND UP.
Essentials, our main program, based on the competencies of the Common Framework of Reference for Languages, is divided into three age groups: 18 YEARS OLD AND ONWARDS.
Essentials, our main program, based on the competencies of the Common Framework of Reference for Languages, is divided into three age groups: 13 TO 17 YEARS OLD.
Essentials, our main program, based on the competences of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is divided into three groups by age: 8 TO 12 YEARS OLD.
Improve the use of your English with lessons and vocabulary for tourist environments, hotel companies, inns, tourism students, tourist guides, among others.
We prepare you for standardized tests such as TOEFL and IELTS, as well as the Critical Reading and Writing sections of the SAT. OVER 16 YEARS OLD, TEENS / PRO LEVEL 8 AND UP.
Essentials, our main program, based on the competencies of the Common Framework of Reference for Languages, is divided into three age groups: 18 YEARS OLD AND ONWARDS.
Essentials, our main program, based on the competencies of the Common Framework of Reference for Languages, is divided into three age groups: 13 TO 17 YEARS OLD.
Essentials, our main program, based on the competences of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is divided into three groups by age: 8 TO 12 YEARS OLD.